WE Flow L1 (LS)This level-1 class includes stretching and strengthening for beginners, seniors, prenatal and postnatal, those rehabilitating and for anyone wanting or needing a gentler practice. Mindful breathing, relaxation techniques and pose modifications will provide a safe and effective practice. with ShanaShana Baumgartner was first introduced to yoga in 1999 while living in California. She explored different yoga styles and take different classes, eventually falling in love with the fluidity and synchronicity of movement and breath that characterizes the Vinyasa flow style. In 2012, she decided to commit more fully to yoga by completing a 200-hour teacher training at West End Yoga; a truly life-changing experience! She continues to work on deepening her practice, guiding and learning from others on and off the mat, and maintaining her balance and calm.
Visit "Who WE Are" to read Shana's bio and meet our other instructors 10:00 am to 11:00 am
WE Flow L1-2 (LS)In this level 1-2 class, move with your breath, flowing from one pose to another and within a pose. Increase body and breath awareness and attain inner calm as you strengthen and stretch. Poses for stillness and relaxation will balance the practice. Through postures and conscious breathing, become steady, strong, flexible and relaxed. with LeahLeah Naylor began practicing yoga as a child, with her mom who was, and still is, a yoga instructor. Leah continues to experience her true Yoga practice on the mat and off as she now finds every life experience and every moment to be one in which her Yoga can be practiced and deepened in new ways. She feels gratitude for the abundance of teachers, experiences and moments of humility and growth she finds through and because of her Yoga. Leah’s classes are guided in the style of Vinyasa Yoga, flowing from pose to pose with your breath, and are designed around the needs (or wants) of her students. Her flows are creative, focused and slow to encourage a deeper awareness and understanding of the body, breath, mind and heart.
Visit "Who WE Are" to read Leah's bio and to meet our other instructors. 10:00 am to 11:00 am